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Tina Benigno, PhD

Research and Interests

My research interests include childhood and youth studies, cinema and media studies, girls and girlhoods, care, relationships, culture, young people's care practices, qualitative research, neoliberal feminism, young people's views on socio-political issues and (alternative) spirituality, 1990s Canadian girlhood in film & TV, imagination, pedagogy, speculative fiction, and healthcare/medical humanities. 


My doctoral project comes out of group interviews with teen girls from various communities in Toronto. This work explores the idea of the 'extra-ordinary' girl under neoliberalism, where being extra-ordinary or powerful is secondary to care and connection for the girl not in the public eye. Focusing specifically on two case studies of the activist and witch figures in popular film/TV and society, I address the dialogic relationship between figures of the extra-ordinary girl and cultural-historical practices of girls. 

When I'm not working, I enjoy running, baking, spending time with friends, family, and pets, watching shows (and some sports), indoor cycling, and travelling.

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Doctorate of Philosophy, York University                                                                                Sept. 2015-2021



Examination Fields:

  • Girlhood & Film: The Teenage Years

  • Young People’s Media & Cultures

Dissertation Title:

The Extra-Ordinary Girl Under Neoliberalism, On and Off Screen:

How Teen Girls in Toronto Negotiate Care, Connection, and Figurations of Girlhood

Supervisor: Dr. Cheryl Cowdy  Advisors: Dr. Natalie Coulter, Dr. Michael Zryd

Master of Arts, York University                                                                                                        2008-2010

Cinema and Media Studies


MRP Title:

Liminal Cinema: New Models of Imagination, Memory and Romantic Longing in Amélie and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Honours Bachelor of Arts, University of Toronto                                                                          2002-2007

Major: Cinema Studies; Minors: English Literature, Italian Studies        

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